Make your eyes your ornament

Eyes are the best part of the human body. They can express any kind of emotion. Even the person who does not have the ability to speak and can express himself through the eyes. Taking good care of such a device is in fact inevitable. Not only on the beauty, but also from a medical point is important. Take a look at this article about ways to protect your precious device.

This article covers

1. Physical therapy to strengthen the eyes
2. Use of natural creams
3. The use of cosmetics, artificial eye
Eyes are the most important feature of the human face, an expression of feelings, mood, and eye problems can destroy any person or beauty make-up. The good natural eye cream can help to maintain the health of the eyes and sparkling, along with a healthy diet and lots of hours of sleep.

Natural remedies to enhance the eyes

There are many natural (home) and the remedies available to maintain healthy eyes and to deal with (and treatment) simple eye diseases such as red eyes, and bulging.

There are a few examples of natural remedies are:
Which makes use of natural creams

In the natural characteristics of the eye care recovery of flowers and plants that are used to treat minor problems such as itchy eyes, redness of the eyes and the injured (too angry), eyes. There are different types of health care developed eye and sold by pharmacies and health food stores, most of which contains the following elements:
Option or the option of water

Containing calcium and vitamins A and C and magnesium, the option is known for its soothing properties and will help to relax and reduce red eye ofthe eyes. Option can be water or thin slices also be applied to the skin around the eyes especially if it is looking dry skin. Segments left on the skin for fifteen minutes at least during the relaxation will make your eyes look like new!

Agrimony leaves or flowers

Leaves and dried flowers of this plant are added to boiling water, after which the infusion is strained and used to bathe in the eyes, to reduce swelling, and itching in the eyes. People who spend a lot of time working behind a computer, which suffer from itching or burning eyes, and will also benefit from this treatment.

Marigold flowers.

Tea is made weak, cooling pads and cotton wool soaked in tea, and then placed on pallets eyes or eyes for ten minutes to be washed with this liquid.

Tags: Health Tips, Make your eyes, Women Health Tips, Womens Health
